Radio Requirements

Build a radio station on the kubernetes cluster. The Minimum Viable Product uses existing infrastructure, audio equipment and vinyl library.

Minimum Viable Product Themes

  1. Icecast - Stream audio tracks from network file storage
  2. DJ - Schedule playlists of uploaded content
  3. Radio - Stream in from icecast source for broadcast from a DJ installation
  4. Listener - View Radio Station web page with embedded playback and schedule

Functional Breakdown

MVP Use cases

  • [X] Admin: Create Programme Manager
  • [X] Programme Manager: Create DJ user
  • [X] Programme Manager: Create Show
  • [X] DJ: Create Playlist
  • [X] DJ: Upload tracks
  • [X] DJ: Add track to playlist
  • [X] DJ: Assign tracks and playlist to Show

Non-Functional Requirements

  • [X] Security: Administration access
  • [X] Radio: Domain registration and email forwarding:
  • [ ] Social media registrations
  • [X] YouTube channel
  • [X] Website: DJ Profiles
  • [ ] Website: Social media links
  • [ ] Icecast: Configure for directory listing
  • [ ] Failover: Automated recovery on node failure


Issues and bugs

  • [X] Media upload limited to 8MB - configure for 15MB
  • [ ] Media upload limited to 15MB - configure for +++MB
  • [ ] Router: Losing port forwarding
  • [ ] Buffer size gives 10s delay before a listener plays
  • [ ] Fix Radio incoming streaming sources

Station Build

  • [X] Library: 12" Vinyl {clean, sort, select and record}
  • [X] Library: 7" Vinyl {clean, sort, select and record}
  • [X] CD Library: Select and dub
  • [X] Turntables
  • [X] Mixer
  • [X] Microphone
  • [X] Audio Interface: vinyl
  • [X] Audio Interface: live streaming
  • [X] Hardware: k8s cluster dev (devcluster)
  • [X] Hardware: k8s cluster prod (norham)
  • [X] Installation: Admin tools {kubectl,k8s}
  • [X] Installation: DJ Tools: butt {vinyl recording, live streaming}
  • [X] Installation: DJ Tools: mixxx {DJ session, with microphone}

System Build

  • [X] Flex radio system definition
  • [X] Ingress for Radio Console
  • [X] Ingress for Media Upload
  • [X] Ingress for Radio Listener
  • [X] Ingress for Field streaming client
  • [X] Configuration: ogg -> mp3 stream
  • [X] Default schedule
  • [ ] YouTube interviews
  • [ ] Intros, Exits, and Jingles
  • [ ] Media kit
  • [X] Site Copy
  • [X] Bio Template
  • [ ] About Us
  • [ ] Build: Backup and restore
  • [X] Email address
  • [X] Social Media: YouTube
  • [ ] Paperwork (see below)
  • [X] Security: override chart default passwords
  • [ ] Bulk track upload
  • [ ] Fallback Icecast stream


  • Muso Club: Music is for playing. But you can listen to it.
  • Muso Club Radio: From the InterWeb, into your head!
  • Join the club. Radio@MusoClub

Bio Template

  • Featured image
  • Logo
  • Contact details
  • YouTube interview
  • Free-form Bio paragraph
  • Regular or upcoming gigs
  • Social media links
  • Audio tracks

Radio@Muso.Club YouTube interviews

Welcome to Music Club!

Today we're going to be interviewing <>

Hi <>! Welcome to the Music Club.

We're going to ask you a few questions for your biography on Radio@MusicClub. Are you ready to go?

  • In which month of the year were you born?
  • What is your first memory of music?
  • What music did your parents listen to?
  • What are your top 3 favourite genres?
  • Any genre you prefer not to hear?
  • What music do you most like to listen to at different times of the day?
    • In the morning
    • In the afternoon
    • In the evening
    • In the late evening
  • Do you ever need there to be no music?
  • For how long can you handle silence?
  • What music do you most like making?
  • Favourite musical instrument to listen to?
  • What is your favourite concert memory?
  • Did you learn to play a musical instrument as a kid?
  • And sing?
  • Favourite musical instrument to play?
  • Next 3 most favourite instruments to play?
  • Do you have a Best Gig?
  • Worst gig?
  • Any upcoming gigs?
  • If you could jam with any artist, who would it be?
  • For your bio, which of the answers above would you most like included in a description of you?


  • [ ] Niko: Musician Interviewer
  • [ ] Thandi: Creatives
  • [ ] Torrell: Featured Musician
  • [ ] Johnathan: Featured Musician
  • [ ] Kholeho: Featured Musician

Default Schedule

Build themed playlists for daily use (to fill the programme in POV phase), for example:

  • Classical
  • Blues
  • Jazz
  • Class of '84
  • 60s
  • Favourite Females
  • Reggae
  • Rock

As collaborators come on line, starting in POV phase, substitute playlist slots with:

  • Live performances
  • Live DJ slots
  • Original Collections
  • Talk shows
  • Interviews {starting with DJs and Collaborators}

Record these, where applicable for re-run purposes.


  • [X] DJ Creation
  • [X] Playlist creation
  • [X] Session (repeat) creation
  • [X] Streaming session from BUTT
  • [X] Streaming session from MIXXX
  • [X] Streaming session from iziCast iPhone
  • [X] Streaming session from Field Audio Interface
  • [X] Off-premise session streaming
  • [X] Streaming authentication and cut-over
  • [X] Audio file upload
  • [X] DJ Creation
  • [X] Playlist creation
  • [X] Session (repeat) creation
  • [X] Listening client: Mac browser
  • [X] Listening client: Windows browser
  • [X] Listening client: iPhone browser
  • [ ] Listening client: Android browser
  • [X] Backup: Station
  • [ ] Backup: Media
  • [X] Backup: Website
  • [ ] Restore: Station
  • [ ] Restore: Media
  • [X] Restore: Website
  • [X] Listening soak
  • [ ] Listening load
  • [ ] Failover

Operations and Management

Interest gauged positive on all engagements checked.

  • [X] Creative Brief for site structure, branding and content {Thandi}
  • [ ] Domain and iconography specification {All}
  • [ ] Role Player: DJs {Torrell, Knott, Amy, Sub Templa, Lash, Cal, Tommy Lewis}
  • [ ] Role Player: Technical Administrator {Jim, + protege}
  • [ ] Role Player: Station Administrator {Tom}
  • [ ] Role Player: Field Support {Max, Charles, Martin, Torrell}
  • [ ] Role Player: Administrators {users, backups, tech support}
  • [ ] Role Player: Program Managers {Stew, Torrell}
  • [ ] Role Player: DJ Onboarding {djclient,bio,branding}
  • [ ] Role Player: Radio Site Management
  • [ ] Role Player: Campaign Manager {Gabby, Kanye}
  • [ ] Role Player: YouTube Channel {Kanye}
  • [ ] Role Player: Sponsor/Owner {Martin, Charles, Stew, Jay}
  • [ ] Role Player: Advertising sales {Kanye}

DJ Onboarding

  • Torrell
  • Michael
  • Gabby Palmer
  • Amy Willow
  • Stewart
  • Jonathan
  • Casa Luna
  • Nathan and Sarah
  • Michael - (heavy sessions)


  • [ ] DJ, Artist consent process
  • [ ] DJ Onboarding process
  • [ ] Station Scheduling process
  • [X] Broadcast Licencing commitments
  • [ ] Collaborator agreements
  • [ ] Radio Directory listings
  • [ ] Site maintenance: DJ and Artist Bios