Application Build

Platform requirement

  • Zope Python based Application server
  • Python Postgress driver
  • Zope Postgres driver wrapper
  • Postgress Database
  • Database GUI


Move ularu VM from bukit (to be recovered) to antecessor

  1. Export VM in .ova format
  2. Test on james (final target server)

Importing VM on james

VBoxManage import UbuntuAppServerClean202401.ova --dry-run

VBoxManage import UbuntuAppServerClean202401.ova

VBoxManage list vms

VBoxManage startvm "Ubuntu App Server" --type headless

Waiting for VM "Ubuntu App Server" to power on...
VBoxManage: error: Nonexistent host networking interface, name 'enp3s0f0' (VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR)
VBoxManage: error: Details: code NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005), component ConsoleWrap, interface IConsole

ip address show | grep enp

2: enp1s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000
    inet metric 100 brd scope global enp1s0

VBoxManage showvminfo "Ubuntu App Server"

VBoxManage modifyvm "Ubuntu App Server" --nic2 bridged --bridgeadapter1 enp1s0

Did not work, needed to change <BridgedInterface name="enp1s0"/> in /home/colleymj/VirtualBox VMs/Ubuntu App Server/Ubuntu App Server.vbox

VBoxManage: error: AMD-V is disabled in the BIOS (or by the host OS) (VERR_SVM_DISABLED)

VBoxManage modifyvm "Ubuntu App Server" --cpus 1

VBoxManage modifyvm "Ubuntu App Server" --paravirtprovider none


  • sudo apt install ddclient
  • user; qapps
  • hosts:,,,,,

Data take-on

  • Postgress export from legacy implementation
  • Import into new Postgress instance



  • Initial install of Plone, provides Zope 4, which is not backward compatable with the Zope 2 applications, so use a legacy zope image.
  • Legacy Zope image selected: robcast/legacy-zope:2.13

  • Zope volume mounts: ./var/filestorage; ./var/blobstorage; ./products


  • nfs not working for postgres volume, issues with chmod (as with OpenSearch)
  • Use cluster-internal db GUI tool to avoid requirement to provide ingress for a database port.