

Kubernetes is an Open Source system that provides functionality to manage the lifecycle of containerised computing loads. It can achieve this over a clustered infrastructure, providing high availability, and scaling.


  • Kubernetes: A container orchestration system.
  • Container: Software packaging for a computing application, allowing it to be run in an isolated environment in a standard way.
  • Isolated environment: Operating System features are used to separate an application from its environment and other computing workloads. Workload isolation provides security and resource governance.
  • Orchestration: Automating software deployment, scaling, and management.

Technology Trajectory

Kubernetes was developed within Google, and was donated as a seed technology to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).

A range of interrelated systems and standards underpin and extend Kubernetes that promote compatibility, providing consistency and reliability.

The CNCF has a large eco-system of technologies that complement and rely on kubernetes.


Promise theory

  • The design of kubernetes relies on the Promise Theory analysis methodology.
  • Promise Theory in kubernetes allows a resource to be modelled as voluntarily and autonomously co-operating with other resources in the kubernetes system
  • The use of declarative specification follows in the form of the publishing of a Promise to the kubernetes system in the form of a resource definition
  • Resource definitions are loaded via the kubernetes API
  • The kubernetes API is used to interact with the kubernetes system, and the objects deployed in the system.


Clustering provides a layer of abstraction for computing resources, spanning virtual or physical machines.

In a single machine instance the processes and applications interact with the machine's operating system apis.

In a cluster the processes and applications interact with the cluster system's apis.

--- title: Example of Computing resources of a machine instance --- graph LR OS1[Operating System APIs] --> OS2[Machine Resources] subgraph OS2[Machine Resources] subgraph RAM subgraph 16 GB end end subgraph CPU subgraph 4 Cores end end subgraph Disk subgraph 125 GB end end subgraph Network subgraph 1 GB Ethernet end end end

Clustered Resources

--- title: Computing resources of a machine cluster --- graph LR OS1[Cluster APIs] --> OS2[Cluster Resources] subgraph OS2[Cluster Resources] subgraph Machine 1 subgraph RAM subgraph 16 GB end end subgraph CPU subgraph 4 Cores end end subgraph Disk subgraph 125 GB end end subgraph Network subgraph 1 GB Ethernet end end end subgraph Machine 2 subgraph RAM subgraph 16 GB end end subgraph CPU subgraph 4 Cores end end subgraph Disk subgraph 125 GB end end subgraph Network subgraph 1 GB Ethernet end end end subgraph Machine 3 subgraph RAM subgraph 16 GB end end subgraph CPU subgraph 4 Cores end end subgraph Disk subgraph 125 GB end end subgraph Network subgraph 1 GB Ethernet end end end end
--- title: Abstracted Resources --- graph LR OS1[Cluster APIs] --> OS2[Cluster Resources] subgraph OS2[Cluster Resources] subgraph RAM subgraph 48 GB end end subgraph CPU subgraph 12 Cores end end subgraph Disk subgraph 125 GB end end subgraph Network subgraph 1 GB Ethernet end end end
