Radio implementations

Muso Club and ThruHere are used as base domains for QA/Production and POC/Dev environments respectively.

Radio software options and selection



Libretime for reasons:

  • Specific Open Source Licence
  • Active development community
  • Governance and COC
  • Stable and familiar components {postgres, rabbitmq, nginx}
  • API Based
  • Docker images available
  • Helm chart available as baseline

Testing results and issues to resolve

  • Icecast log destinations
  • Refactor chart vs flux inventories: Move library scan to flux
  • Icecast xsl artefacts

Architecture: High Level Design

For traceability, from requirements, we have the following MVP Themes

  1. Icecast - Stream audio tracks from network file storage during a scheduled session
  2. DJ - Schedule playlists of uploaded content for use in scheduled sessions
  3. Radio - Stream in from icecast source for broadcast from a DJ installation during scheduled sessions
  4. Listener - View Radio Station web page with embedded playback and listen to scheduled audio

These are to be implemented, using the LibreTime platform, as described in the following sections.

1: Icecast - Stream audio tracks from network file storage

Original content for featured artists are loaded onto the dataserver, on Data02, and streamed from the icecast instance on dataserver on a dedicated mount point per track. This results in a local URL that can be configured as a "Webstream" in Libretime. The Webstream can be added directly to a scheduled session, or added to a playlist, for use in a scheduled session.

--- title: Icecast - Stream audio tracks from network file storage --- graph TD subgraph dataserver subgraph Data02 /webcast/Artist/Track.mp3 end subgraph icecast subgraph mounts /Artist/Track.mp3 end end end subgraph "" subgraph Webstream T3[Artist Track] end T4[scheduled session] end /webcast/Artist/Track.mp3 --> /Artist/Track.mp3 --> T3 --> T4 -->

The diagram depicts an icecast instance with icecast.paths.webroot set to /Data02/webcast

2: DJ - Schedule playlists of uploaded content


  • Admin: Create User on the radio console, with the role of DJ.
  • Admin: Create Session on the radio console, and assign it to the created DJ.


  • DJ selects "Upload" on radio console, and adds music or voice tracks
  • DJ selects "Calendar", clicks on session, selects "Schedule Tracks"
  • DJ drags tracks from track list from panel on the left, to the session slot in the right hand panel.

When the session starts, the selected tracks will be streamed in order.

3: Radio - Stream in for broadcast from a DJ installation

A DJ (or live audio stream) to connect to the station, using dedicated credentials, to the main mount point, during sessions scheduled for the DJ in the radio schedule. A number of Icecast clients have been tested successfully, illustrated as examples of the stream source.

--- title: Radio - Stream in for broadcast from a DJ installation --- graph LR source1(Mixxx) -- user1:password1 --> station[] station --> libretime libretime[playout] --> source2(BUTT) -- user2:password2 --> station source3(iziCast) -- user3:password3 --> station actor1(Program Manager) -- Create a DJ user--> actor1(Program Manager) -- schedule a session\n for the DJ --> --> libretime

4: Listener - View Radio Station web page with embedded playback and schedule

A Listener is the Actor using the radio broadcast service. The streaming protocol chosen is MP3 to support the broadest range of devices.

--- title: View Radio Station web page with embedded playback and schedule --- graph LR browser(listener) <--> subgraph w1(LibreTime widget) w2(WordPress audio block) w3(WordPress widget) end browser(listener) <-->

Default browser audio player

If the radio station broadcast URL is opened in a browser, the default behaviour is to display an audio player and start playing the broadcasted mp3 stream. This can be embedded in a website, or linked to from a QR code.

Radio station widget

LibreTime has an embeddable player that can be displayed on a web page in an iFrame. For Radio@Muso.Club, the following can be added to a custom HTML block:

  src=" Playing"

WordPress widget

The standard audio block for WordPress displays a simple audio player. This can be used to build a player widget that suites the web site.

Styling the audio player element using js, html, and css

Libretime API

As documented in, the following API URLs return publicly accessible radio information, if enabled:

In general, for authenticated APIs, the URL is of the form

Valid API actions:

  • on-air-light - return true if the station is on air
  • status - get the status of LibreTime components and resource usage
  • version - returns the version of LibreTime installed
  • get-files-without-silan-value - list files for which silence detection hasn't yet been performed
  • get-stream-setting - gets the settings of LibreTime output streams
  • get-stream-parameters - gets the parameters of LibreTime output streams


For test purposes, expose the api service to localhost with a k8s port forward on port 9001

A version 2 API is also available. API documentation for the installation is available on the following URL:

Baseline libretime artefact extraction

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4='

Technical Implementation

  • Build a custom LibreTime chart, to match infrastructure ingress and storage class, and db StatefulSet.
  • Create Flux apps/ kustomization with LibreTime source, and override values.
  • Create Flux infrastructure/ingress-nginx kustomization to add TCP ports
  • Create Flux apps/ kustomization with WordPress source, and override values.

POV Prep, and fixes from POC

  • Domain purchased for POV:
  • Build libretime chart, revised to remove non http ingress
  • Deploy to norham cluster, using flux, with values override
  • Configure ingress-nginx: deploy as chart, with values file for TCP ingress
  • Configure db StatefulSet instead of Deployment

Post installation configuration


  • log in as admin:admin
  • Set admin password
  • Set Station logo, Name and Description
  • Get player and schedule widget html for web site home page
  • NOTE: Do not set Settings->Streams->Live Broadcast->Auto Switch Off/On until understood.


  • log in as musoclub
  • install and run Wordpress importer with latest export
  • add image files to library
  • edit pages and posts to replace missing images
  • edit page header libretime player widget (if necessary)
  • edit main page libretime schedule widget (if necessary)

Track Ingestion

  • Host: dataserver
  • Access controlled Samba on local network for workstation access.
  • Samba writeable raw library directory: /Data01/cdcollection
  • Samba writeable ingestion directory: /Data02/library-in
  • Process: copy albums from /Data01/cdcollection to /Data02/library-in
  • Batch process, with clean-up, to /Data02/library
  • NFS access to /Data02/library for station batch upload
  • NFS access to /Data02/radio for station media /srv/libretime
  • To be backed backed up in sync with station DB: /srv/libretime

Ingestion notes

Clean-up tool: Beets


  • Use fre:ac for cd to /cdcollection/
  • ffmpeg -i filename.mpg for metadata view
  • Copy batches of directories from /cdcollection/ to /library-in/
  • Run beet import . in /library-in/, and follow interactive process
  • Images and other non-music files cleaned up periodically from /library-in


  • /cdcollection: 17G
  • library: 15G
  • library-fallout: 323M

Beet config:

directory: /Data02/library/
library: /Data02/librarydb/musiclibrary.db
    move: yes


63M ./various artists - the bossa nova exciting jazz samba rhythms vol.1
4.8M    ./1982 - beyond the realms of dub_dub me crazy pt.2
48M ./Beasty Boys - Hello Nasty
8.3M    ./aphex twin
60M ./blade runner - soundtrack
32M ./caves of kiev
110M    ./electronica
323M    .

Bulk track upload

  • Add sudo -u libretime libretime-api bulk_import --path PATH_THE_DIRECTORY_TO_SCAN to libretime startup
  • Path: dataserver

Backup and Restore


  • Create k8s CronJob postgres-backup in radio namespace
  • Use postgres:16.2 image
  • Add nfs export from Dataserver for /Data02/backups for k8s backup-storage volume
  • Run pg_dump, store to nfs backup-storage volume mounted on /mnt
  • Run once daily at midnight schedule: "0 0 * * *"

Station Database


  • [ ] Libretime container NFS datastore: nfs://dataserver/Data02/radio
  • [ ] Station Library

Technical Architecture


--- title: Integration --- graph LR subgraph Dataserver nfs-service2[(/DATA2/radio/)] end subgraph Norham Cluster subgraph Libretime WebGUI Schedule Users Library Input Broadcast end WebSite end --> WebGUI --> WebSite Input --> Broadcast Library --> Dataserver WebGUI --- Library WebGUI --- Schedule WebGUI --- Users Dataserver --> Input client1{{DJ}} -- ----> Input client2{{Master}} -- ----> Input Library --> Schedule --> Input Broadcast --> WebSite browser1{{Station User}} --> browser2{{Listener Widget}} -->

Request routing

--- title: Request routing --- graph LR Internet -- * --> router router -- 80\n443 --> dmz router -- 8001\n8002 --> metallb3 dmz -- --> metallb3 metallb3 --> k8s07 metallb3 --> k8s08 metallb3 --> k8s09 metallb3 --> k8s10 metallb3[[norham]] router[[Router]] dmz{{rudolfensis}} k8s07{{norham01}} k8s08{{norham02}} k8s09{{norham03}} k8s10{{norham04}}

Icecast config for webstreams

The following are available on the local network. The base URL is, so for the mount example below, the URL is

<mount type="normal">

This configuration is applied to the icecast instance on dataserver.



Applying Ingress modifications for playout TCP ports

To support non-HTTP TCP listener ports on the cluster, the cluster ingress-nginx installation is moved from a helm install at cluster build time, to a gitops installation. The following ingress-nginx chart values setting are used:

## ingress-nginx helm chart values to add support for radio ingress 
  configAnnotations: 20m
      djinput: 8001
      masterinput: 8002
  8001: "radio/liquidsoap:8001"
  8002: "radio/liquidsoap:8002"

Here, there are two additional listener ports being added to the ingress-nginx controller, and corresponding entries added to a tcp-services configmap, as documented here:

Using a gitops installation for ingress-nginx also allows the file upload limit to be increased from the default easily, which is required by Libretime as well as WordPress.

PodZone / QSolutions Helm chart

WARNING: This package has high severity fixable vulnerabilities older than 2 years old that haven't been addressed yet.

NFS Preparation

  • NFS server: dataserver
  • Allocation to instance, e.g. thruhere on /Data02
  • NFS Export: Icecast log; /Data02/thruhere/icecast-log
  • NFS Export: Icecast web; /Data02/thruhere/icecast-web
  • NFS Export: Library; /Data02/thruhere/icecast-web
  • NFS Export: Libretime; /Data02/thruhere/icecast-web
root@dataserver:/Data02# mkdir /Data02/thruhere
root@dataserver:/Data02# mkdir /Data02/thruhere/icecast-log
root@dataserver:/Data02# mkdir /Data02/thruhere/icecast-web
root@dataserver:/Data02# mkdir /Data02/thruhere/library
root@dataserver:/Data02# mkdir /Data02/thruhere/libretime
root@dataserver:/Data02# chown -R nobody:nogroup /Data02/thruhere
root@dataserver:/Data02# chmod -R og+w /Data02/thruhere
root@dataserver:/Data02# ls -alr /Data02/thruhere/
drwxrwxrwx  2 nobody nogroup 4096 Jun 18 12:49 libretime
drwxrwxrwx  2 nobody nogroup 4096 Jun 18 12:49 library
drwxrwxrwx  2 nobody nogroup 4096 Jun 18 12:49 icecast-web
drwxrwxrwx  2 nobody nogroup 4096 Jun 18 12:48 icecast-log
drwxr-xr-x 12 root   root    4096 Jun 18 12:48 ..
drwxrwxrwx  6 nobody nogroup 4096 Jun 18 12:49 .