
Technology Strategy

  • Leverage Ubuntu experience
  • Initial build is manual, dev and subsequent releases are declarative
  • Increasing abstraction for infrastructure and application pipelines

Substrate Technology Selection

  • Kubernetes: Microk8s snap
  • Ceph: MicroCeph snap
  • Prometheus: snap

Administration technologies selected


Installation on Mac

  • Recommend brew
  • Depends on x-code, so install with: xcode-select --install
  • Install brew: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Terminal browser: midnight commander (mc) installation: brew install mc
  • Kubernetes admin: kubectl installation: brew install kubernetes-cli
  • Kubernetes Terminal User Interface k9s installation: brew install k9s
  • Kubernetes GUI User Interface octant installation: brew install octant
  • Kubernetes Application release management helm installation: brew install helm

Application and advanced

  • Virtual Machine provisioning: Vagrant
  • VM Configuration and microk8s cluster build: ansible
  • Distributed Networking admin: calicoctl
  • Database dashboard: adminer
  • json processor: jq
  • Cloudsmith CLI (helm repository management)
  • Wireguard

Platform technologies

  • Monitoring: Prometheus
  • Backup: Longhorn (to be evaluated)
  • SSO: Dex (to be evaluated)


Tool installations



Cloud DevOps